Rowan's Domiclave

This cave seems kind of dark, at least in comparison to the well-lit one you were just in. Thistle flies ahead, chittering. In the dim light, you trip over a rock.
"Are you all right?"
"I'm fine...Hey! Who are you?"
The thing mutters something, and blue flames leap up around the edge of the walls. Now you can see! The creature seems to be some kind of girl, with large brown eyes, which at the moment look very concerned about your welfare, and black hair. Then you look closer, and notice that the eyes look very catlike. Then she speaks, but you don't listen because you're too busy staring at the two pointed canines curving down from her top lip. You take an involuntary step back, and stammer:
"Y-y-you aren't a v-v-vampire?"
"Yes. I am. My name is Rowan. But don't worry, I won't hurt you."
You are unconvinced, but reason that Phoenix wouldn't have sent you to meet a dangerous person.
"I'm waiting for a Suva from Unyko's Valley . I can't wait! I've always wanted a friend who wasn't afraid of me. I've already adopted a Sentry to guard my Suva. His name is Voreth. If you want, he'll lead you to his old abode."

"I've been preparing my Domiclave for a while now," begins Rowan.
"What's a Domiclave?"you ask.
"A Domiclave is where a Suva lives! I hope my Suva likes this one..."
You look around at the "Domiclave". The walls and floor are some kind of dark blue stone, and there is a ring of bright blue flames around the> Then you notice the ceiling. It's painted to look like clouds and a shining noontime sun. You gasp in surprise when you notice the clouds are moving!
"Isn't it pretty? The ceiling is spelled to look like the sky outside." Rowan tells you proudly. "Do you know the way back? This sphere is a portal; It'll take you there."